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Hemeroby (en) de
Key Data Set Information
Name Hemeroby
Impact category/ies
  • other
Impact indicator Probas UBA Hemeroby
General comment Naturrauminanspruchnahme nach ifeu-Methode (Fehrenbach et al.)
Quantitative reference
Reference quantity
Time representativeness
Reference year 2021
Duration of modelled impact time independent
Geographical representativeness
Geographical representativeness description Applicable to world
LCIA method, normalisation, weighting
Type of data set Mid-point indicator
Data generator
Data set generator / modeller
Data entry by
Publication and ownership
UUID 70ea32eb-2897-5e9b-a73d-ae02dedc67f9
Data set version 01.00.000
Flow Classification Location Exchange direction Mean value Minimum value Maximum value Uncertainty distribution type Relative StdDev in % Data derivation type / status Deviating recommendation Reference to data source(s)
Land use / Land occupation Output 0.3125 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 0.5 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 0.3125 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 0.375 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 0.1875 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 0.125 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 0.25 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 0.3125 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 1.0 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 1.0 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 0.07815 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 0.1875 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 0.0469 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 0.125 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 1.0 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 0.0 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 1.0 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 1.0 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 0.1875 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 0.125 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 0.25 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 0.3125 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 0.375 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 0.5 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 0.375 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 0.5 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 1.0 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 1.0 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 1.0 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 1.0 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 0.15625 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 1.0 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 1.0 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 1.0 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 0.5 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 0.0 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 1.0 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 0.75 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 0.25 %
Land use / Land occupation Output 1.0 %