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Heijungs 92 (en)
Data set information
Short name Heijungs 92
Source citation Heijungs 92: Heijungs, R., J. Guinée, G. Huppes, R.M. Lankreijer, H.A. Udo de Haes, A. Wegener Sleeswijk, A.M.M. Ansems, P.G. Eggels, R. van Duin, H.P. de Goede: Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of products. Guide and Backgrounds. Centre of Environmental Sciense (CML), Leiden University, Leiden 1992
Publication type Undefined
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Time stamp (last saved) 2015-02-02T11:55:00
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UUID 4bfba2a5-9439-4f67-b0bc-3cc126a9ee80
Data set version 02.44.152
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