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IINAS 2015 EU-Strom 2010-2013 EHPA (en)
Data set information
Short name IINAS 2015 EU-Strom 2010-2013 EHPA
Source citation IINAS (2015) Development of the Primary Energy Factor of Electricity Generation in the EU-28 from 2010-2013. Fritsche, Uwe R, & Gress, Hans-Werner. Internationales Institut für Nachhaltigkeitsanalysen und -strategien. Brief study for EHPA. Darmstadt
Publication type Undefined
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Time stamp (last saved) 2020-09-15T08:56:44
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UUID ef698799-51a8-42b4-b437-e1374c07a87a
Data set version 02.44.152
Owner of data set